Course Recommendation

Recommended courses for new Ph.D. students.

Course NumberCourse NameNote
MEEN 683Multidisciplinary System Analysis and Design OptimizationCore Course
MEEN 601Advanced Product DesignCore Course
MEEN 603Theory of ElasticityCore Course
MEEN 602Modeling and Analysis of Mechanical Systems
MEEN 653Scientific Writing
CSCE 620/VIZA 670Computational Geometry
CSCE 624Sketch Recognition
CSCE 625Artificial Intelligence
CSCE 626Parallel Algorithm Design and Analysis
CSCE 629Analysis of Algorithms
CSCE 633Machine Learning
CSCE 636Deep Learning
CSCE 641/VIZA 672Computer Graphics
CSCE 642Deep Reinforcement Learning
CSCE 645/VIZA 675Geometric Modeling
CSCE 653Computer Methods in Applied Sciences
CSCE 654Supercomputing
CSCE 658Randomized Algorithms
CSCE 676Data Mining and Analysis
CSCE 679/VIZA 676Data Visualization
ECEN 629Applied Convex Optimization
STAT 601Statistical AnalysisMath Course
STAT 607SamplingMath Course
STAT 630Overview of Mathematical StatisticsMath Course
STAT 638Introduction to Applied Bayesian MethodsMath Course
MATH 640Linear Algebra for ApplicationsMath Course
MATH 619Applied ProbabilityMath Course
MATH 651Optimization IMath Course
MATH 677Mathematical Foundations for Data ScienceMath Course
MATH 678Introduction to Topological Data AnalysisMath Course

Feel free to check other courses at the graduate course descriptions page.

For more information, please see Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering course requirements.

Wei (Wayne) Chen
Wei (Wayne) Chen
Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering

My research interests include AI, machine learning, and their applications to engineering design.